Scripturally Sound, Soul-Winning, Community Conscious Church
Hospitality Ministry

The Hospitality Ministry serves as a vehicle of organized congeniality to enhance the
growth of the church by which the church expresses Christian love to visitors and newcomers in
the community. In addition, the Hospitality Ministry serves as a pathway for those individuals
who are seeking to better know Jesus as Lord and Savior as well as for anyone gathering
information about church activities and events.

- Maintain a Welcome Center
- Meet and greet all visitors with love
- Introduce visitor to the Pastor (Rev. Charles Jackson) and church leaders.
- Distribute the “Welcome Home” folder with varied Christian literature, church calendar,
  and Prayer Request Card
- Solicit visitor’s name, phone number, address, email for future correspondences
- Invite visitors to upcoming church events
- Organize and serve new members dinner in the Fall